
Showing posts from November, 2022

Industries: Ownership and control

Media conglomerate research 1) Type up your  research notes  from the lesson - what did you find out about your allocated media conglomerate? Selection of companies: Alphabet,  The Walt Disney Company,  Comcast,  21st Century Fox,  Meta,  Viacom,  News Corp,  Time Warner. If you were absent or didn't have time in the lesson to make these notes, research  any one  of the companies above and find examples of all the terminology outlined in the notes at the start of this blogpost. Warner Bros. Inc. , U.S. film studio. Beginning in Pennsylvania as movie distributors and theatre owners in 1903, the four Warner brothers started producing their own films in 1913 and moved to Hollywood in 1917. Time warner: 2) Do you agree that governments should prevent media conglomerates from becoming too dominant? Write an argument that looks at both sides of this debate. Agree: Governments should regulate these media conglomerates to prevent one company from holding a monopoly in the media, making it

Media industries: Warner. Bros Discovery

Conglomerate ownership: DC franchise Lazy town Cartoon Network 50% BT Sport Vertical integration: The Harry Potter films were created by Warner Bros. Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Distribution.  The film was marketed using several of Time Warner's companies. For instance, HBO ran a behind-the-scenes making of HP7 before its cinematic release. CNN, another Time Warner company, was able to use its position as a news station with worldwide reach to promote HP7 through its Larry King Special programme which interviewed HP7 actors before the red carpet premiere. Horizontal integration: They own Rocksteady Studios, a game development company. Synergy: HBO is a media company owned by Warner Bros. Discovery that promotes films made by the DC franchise - which is also owned by Warner Bros. Discovery Diversification: They have diversified into different languages and they have also diversified into making video games

Audience theory 2: blog tasks

1) Social learning theory has been criticised for simplifying the causes of violence in society. Do you think the media is responsible for anti-social behaviour and violence? In my opinion, anti-social behaviour is mostly  linked to real world issues such as bullying, domestic violence, poverty etc. However, the media has recently gained a more prominent influence on this type of behaviour. For example, the use of social media can be used to glamorise and expose people to anti-social behaviour and violence - for example if a celebrity (such as a rapper) is photographed smoking cigarettes, then it could influence younger people who look up to them to engage in such behaviours through the social learning theory . Some may argue that violent video games such Call of Duty & GTA can have a negative influence on young gamers though the cultivation theory , however I disagree with this as I believe that these video games are simply a fantasy and are not representations of real life. For

Assessment 1: learner response

1) Type up your feedback in  full  (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). WWW: Some good, clear & concise writing. Very good on Q1. EBI: More developed answers needed, especially Q3, to incorporate (genre) theorists and more examples. 2) Read  the mark scheme for this assessment carefully . Identify at least  one  potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment. 01) male with a gun - reinforces masculine stereotypes of violence tagline references ‘survival’; no hint of a  new equilibrium . 02)  binary opposition (‘The Showdown’). 03) audience pleasures/gratifications ; allows comparison and discussion of media products; recognise developments and evolution in genres.\ 04) adopts informal language to connect with audience (‘Haters’); offers more than just music (‘Athletes’/’Politicians’) 05) ‘Who is music’s number one genius?’ could be open to very different interpretations depending on audience demograp

Audience theory 1

1) Read this  Mail Online article about the effects of videogames . How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model? (Link doesn't work) 2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone  criticise  this front page?  It could be exaggerating the boy and making him seem bad when maybe the other side of the story is that the boy is innocent. The front page could be criticised for demonizing a young child by calling him a "violent video game addict". 3) What do  you  think of the hypodermic needle theory? Do audiences believe everything they see in the media? I believe that many people in our society mindlessly believe anything they see and this is more prevalent because of the internet as misinformation can be spread at a rapid pace due to instant communication. Also, the internet allows anyone to establish themselves as an authority with the right manipulative tactics used.

MIGRAIN: Audience classification

Strugglers Alienated, Struggler, disorganised - with few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills (e.g. car repair). Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Brand choice involves impact and sensation. 1) Make up their names:  Bob & Karen 2) Where do they work/study?  Bob - Drug dealer Karen - Unemployed Bob - Studied at Greenford High School and got all U's in his GCSEs Karen - Dropped out after primary school because she failed her SATs 3) What do they do in their spare time? Bob - Sells meth, burgles houses, steals from cars, smokes weed, plays the lottery, listens to drill, makes drill songs, drinks lots of Stella Artois and now he is morbidly obese Karen - Scrolls on TikTok all day, does her crusty makeup, speaks to the manager, sleeps and eats lots of McDonald's and now she is morbidly obese Now suggest their media consumption: Print:  What newspapers/magazines does your group read (if any)? Is this on paper or tablet?  No newspapers/