Audience theory 1

1) Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?

(Link doesn't work)

2) How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case (see Daily Mail front page below) link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page? 

It could be exaggerating the boy and making him seem bad when maybe the other side of the story is that the boy is innocent. The front page could be criticised for demonizing a young child by calling him a "violent video game addict".

3) What do you think of the hypodermic needle theory? Do audiences believe everything they see in the media?

I believe that many people in our society mindlessly believe anything they see and this is more prevalent because of the internet as misinformation can be spread at a rapid pace due to instant communication. Also, the internet allows anyone to establish themselves as an authority with the right manipulative tactics used.

Two-step flow model

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. What is an opinion leader?

The two-step flow model is the flow of information and influence from the mass media to their audiences involves two steps: from the media to certain individuals (i.e., the opinion leaders) and from them to the public.

An opinion leader is someone who has leadership and interprets the meaning of media messages or content for lower-end media users.

2) How do influencers like Zendaya fit into the two-step flow model?

Zendaya gets paid by big brands to advertise their products/services to her fans

3) In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

Yes, because common people in society look up to celebrities more than the media, and these celebrities can be paid by the media to say whatever they want to.

Uses and Gratifications theory

1) For each of the four categories, write about one media text (e.g. film, TV programme, newspaper etc.) that fits that particular audience use or pleasure. Make sure you explain WHY it fits the category and use images or clips to illustrate your points. The first one is done for you.

Diversion: Film - Blinded By The Light. Entertaining and offering escapism for fans of Bruce Springsteen or anyone that enjoys coming of age films or culture-clash comedies.
Personal Relationships: Film - A Christmas Prince. Romantic movie to provide affection for audiences.
Personal Identity: TV show - EastEnders. A soap opera that reflects on problems everyday people relate to in their day-to-day life and can provide solutions.
Surveillance: BBC - TV programme to update people on world news in real-time.


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