The Gentlewoman - Language and Representations

The Gentlewoman: Language and Representation blog tasks

Close-textual analysis

Work through the following tasks to complete your close-textual analysis of the Gentlewoman CSP pages:

Gentlewoman front cover 

1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience?

This is an alternative magazine

2) How does the cover subvert conventional magazine cover design?

The cover photo does not fill the entire page

3) Write an analysis of the central image.

The central image depicts a celebrity wearing a heavy and alternative makeup style

What representations of gender and celebrity can be found on this front cover?

Typical representation of gender - woman wearing makeup
Typical representation of celebrities - celebrity appearing in a magazine

5) What gender and representation theories can we apply to this cover of the Gentlewoman? 

Judith Butler - gender as "performance" - makeup is a staple of "traditional femininity" - the magazine is reinforcing rituals and habits that are a part of "traditional femininity"

Stuart Hall - representation theory - stereotypes - a woman wearing makeup is very stereotypical

Feature: Modern Punches

1) How does the feature on Ramla Ali use narrative to engage the audience? Apply narrative theories here.

Equilibrium - she won her fight
Disequilibrium - she talks about how she struggled at boxing when she was younger
Equilibrium - she talks about how she continued boxing even thought it hurt

2) What representations can you find in this feature - both interview and image?

This feature provides an atypical representation of women. This is because women are usually stereotyped as being passive, whereas this feature represents a female fighter.

3) What representation theories can we apply to the Modern Punches feature? 

Stuart Hall - preferred reading - many readers may appreciate this representation of a female fighter

Feature: Isabella Tree interview

1) Why is this feature unconventional for a women's lifestyle and fashion magazine? Comment on the use media language in these pages.

A typical women's lifestyle and fashion magazine would sexualise women but this feature does not sexualise women

2) How does the Isabella Tree feature reflect the social and cultural contexts of contemporary Britain? Think about AQA's discussion of lifestyle, environmental issues and ethical movements.

Many people in Britain like nature

3) What representations of nature can be found in this feature?

"If nature is allowed to take its own course, magic happens" - nature is 'magical'

Feature: Stella McCartney and vegan fashion

1) How does this feature reflect contemporary social and cultural contexts?

Many people nowadays are choosing to be vegan and this feature promotes vegan fashion

2) Comment on the typography and page design in this feature.

It is very confusing

3) What representations can be found in the image accompanying this feature? 

This is an alternative magazine - alternative choice of backdrop and neutral facial expression


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